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EOC STARR Review - American Identity
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Who is John Hancock
What is Judicial Review
Who is John Jay
What is the Legislative Branch
What is the Eighth Amendment
What is the Fourth Amendment
What is Indivdualism
What is Populism
What is the Bill of Rights
What is Liberty
What is Laissez-faire
What is Sixth Amendment
What is the First Amendment
What is the Judicial Branch
What is the Executive Branch
What is the Second Amendment
What is unalienable rights
Who is Alexis de Tocqueville
Who is Thomas Jefferson
What is the Declaration of Independence
What is E Pluribus Unum
What is Egalitarianism
Who is Benjamin Rush
What is a Constitutional Republic
What is the Fifth Amendment
Right to a speedy trial, trial by jury, and counsel (lawyer)
The President of the United States
Equality in society and politics or no social classes
Self-interest; people have different backgrounds and experiences
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Right to bear arms
Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Religion, and Petition
Protection from cruel and unusual punishment
Founding Father who wrote the Declaration of Independence
The Supreme Court of the United States
Government run by representatives elected by the people whose job it is to uphold the Constitution
Latin for "out of many one"
The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
Minimal government regulation of business and the economy
Freedom or the power to choose
This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and establishes your unalienable rights
These are the First Ten Amendments to the Constitution
Promote the interest of the common people
Founding Father who is known for his signature of the Declaration of Independence
Protection from search and seizure
Supreme Court's ability to determine whether laws are constitutional or not
Founding Father who was an abolitionist and supporter of educating women
Frenchman who wrote Democracy in America
Founding Father who wrote the Federalist Papers and was the First Supreme Court Justice
Right to remain silent and establishes eminent domain

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Here are all the answers:

This document was written by Thomas Jefferson and establishes your unalienable rightsWhat is the Declaration of Independence
These are the First Ten Amendments to the ConstitutionWhat is the Bill of Rights
The President of the United StatesWhat is the Executive Branch
The Supreme Court of the United StatesWhat is the Judicial Branch
The Senate and House of Representatives of the United StatesWhat is the Legislative Branch
Founding Father who wrote the Declaration of IndependenceWho is Thomas Jefferson
Founding Father who is known for his signature of the Declaration of IndependenceWho is John Hancock
Founding Father who wrote the Federalist Papers and was the First Supreme Court JusticeWho is John Jay
Founding Father who was an abolitionist and supporter of educating womenWho is Benjamin Rush
Frenchman who wrote Democracy in AmericaWho is Alexis de Tocqueville
Freedom or the power to chooseWhat is Liberty
Self-interest; people have different backgrounds and experiencesWhat is Indivdualism
Equality in society and politics or no social classesWhat is Egalitarianism
Minimal government regulation of business and the economyWhat is Laissez-faire
Promote the interest of the common peopleWhat is Populism
Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Religion, and PetitionWhat is the First Amendment
Right to bear armsWhat is the Second Amendment
Right to a speedy trial, trial by jury, and counsel (lawyer)What is Sixth Amendment
Protection from cruel and unusual punishmentWhat is the Eighth Amendment
Protection from search and seizureWhat is the Fourth Amendment
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of HappinessWhat is unalienable rights
Latin for "out of many one"What is E Pluribus Unum
Right to remain silent and establishes eminent domainWhat is the Fifth Amendment
Government run by representatives elected by the people whose job it is to uphold the ConstitutionWhat is a Constitutional Republic
Supreme Court's ability to determine whether laws are constitutional or notWhat is Judicial Review