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Game 3
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

a place where plants and animals live.
a thousand
water habitats and land habitats
The Milky Way
Tiger Woods
the sun
Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean?
What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?
What is H2O?
In which ocean is Hawaii?
What galaxy is Earth located in?
Which is the nearest star?
What nationality was Mozart?
What is the capital city of Norway?
How many years are there in a millennium?
Habitats can be classified into two. What are they
What country does the football player Mo Salah come from?
What sport is played at Wimbledon?
What is a habitat?
In which country were the 2016 Olympic Games held?
The Beatles music band featured how many members?
Which country has the most people?
In what country did reggae music originate?
How many legs does a butterfly have?
How many instruments are there in a string quintet?
How many strings does a guitar usually have?
What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.?
Bees create what sweet substance?
How many sides does a triangle have?
Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand?
How many strings does a violin have?

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What is your name?

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Here are all the answers:

Which is the nearest star?the sun
How many legs does a butterfly have? six
What is H2O? water
What is a habitat?a place where plants and animals live.
Habitats can be classified into two. What are theywater habitats and land habitats
Which is bigger, a lake or an ocean?Ocean
Which country has the most people?China
What is the capital city of Norway?Oslo
What is the biggest state in the U.S.A.?Alaska
In which ocean is Hawaii? Pacific
What sport is played at Wimbledon?Tennis
In which country were the 2016 Olympic Games held?Brazil
What country does the football player Mo Salah come from?Egypt
What is the most popular indoor sport in the U.S.A.?Basketball
Which famous golf player's mother comes from Thailand?Tiger Woods
How many years are there in a millennium?a thousand
How many sides does a triangle have?three
The Beatles music band featured how many members?Four
What galaxy is Earth located in?The Milky Way
Bees create what sweet substance?Honey
How many strings does a violin have?four
How many strings does a guitar usually have?six
In what country did reggae music originate?Jamica
How many instruments are there in a string quintet?Five
What nationality was Mozart?Austrian