
Chemistry Review Jeopardy NNMS 2013 Answer Key

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Nature of Science
#1 What are the three parts of a hypothesis? If... Then... Because...
#2 What in class activity served as a model for the unknowns of science (e.g., deep space, atomic structure, origin of life on earth, etc.)? THE BOX!
#3 What is a simple representation that allows scientists to explain their observations and make predictions? Model
#4 What two branches of science fall under the umbrella of Physical Science? Chemistry and Physics
Atomic Theory
#1 What is the center of the atom called? Nucleus
#2 What is the name of the negatively charged particle inside of an atom? Electron
#3 Whose model of the atom is pictured below? Bohr
#4 Who had an atomic model that was like PLUM PUDDING or CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH J. J. Thomson
#5 What was Murray Gell-Mann's contribution to atomic theory? Quarks
Periodic Table
#1 Are periods vertical or horizontal? Horizontal
#2 What is the name of the vertical columns on the periodic table? Groups (or Families)
#3 What gets added when you move down to the next period? An Electron Shell
#4 What is the name of the family with completely filled electron shells? Noble Gases
#5 What makes chlorine a violent element? It needs an electron to have a full shell, so it will take the electron from anywhere. (It'll take an electron from kittens)
Physical and Chemical Changes
#1 What type of mixture is the same throughout? Homogeneous
#2 What is one sign of a chemical change? New substance, color change, gas formed, temperature change, light given off
#3 Name a type of physical change. Breaking, bending, mixing, phase change
#4 What is name of the phase change for when a solid turns to a gas? Sublimation
#5 What is the name of the theory that describes the motion of elements in the different states of matter? Kinetic Molecular Theory
Physical Properties
#1 Which physical property does not depend on the amount of substance? Intensive or extensive? Intensive
#2 What is the formula for density? D = m/v
#3 What is the name for the temperature when a substance goes from a liquid to a gas? Boiling point
#4 What is the density of a substance with a mass of 5 grams and a volume of 2 ml? 2.5 ml
#5 What is the mass of 6 ml of barium if the density of barium is 3 g/ml? 18 g
Final Question
What is chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.