
Game Answer Key

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#1 The crust and upper mantle Lithosphere
#2 The idea that the earth's crust is made of moving plates of land Theory of Plate Tectonics
#3 Measures the earthquake's magnitude Richter Scale
#4 Detects, times, and measures the movements of the earth Seismograph
#5 Breaks in the earth's crust where rocks can move Faults
Effects of Volcanoes
#1 Occurs where water is heated by hot magma Hot Springs
#2 Occurs when part of a mountain collapses, causing mud and rock fragments to surge down the mountain Debris Flow
#3 An avalanche-like emission of red-hot dust and gases from a volcanic eruption Pyroclastic Flow
#4 Magma that breaks through the earth's surface Lava
#5 Area around the Pacific Ocean where many volcanoes and earthquakes occur Ring of Fire
Types of Volcanoes
#1 Volcanic Fog Vog
#2 Which volcano is expected to erupt again within the next five years and has a bowl-like crater at its top? Active, Cinder-cone
#3 Which volcano is presently inactive and seems to be layered, showing that different types of lava flows have happened in the past? Dormant, Composite-Cone
#4 Which volcano has mild eruptions and is gradually sloping with a continuous flow of lava? Active, Shield
#5 What causes a volcano to erupt Heated magma rising to the surface; a hot spot
Earthquake Terms
#1 Occurs when rocks move horizontally past each other Strike-slip Fault
#2 Occurs when rocks push together, forcing a section of rock upward Reverse Fault
#3 Occurs when rocks move apart, forming a gap Normal Fault
#4 The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus Epicenter
#5 What causes an earthquake? Molten Rock moves under vocano; Build-up and release of energy along a fault line; Large amounts of earth are removed or added to an area
Earthquake Waves
#1 Vibrations of energy that flow from the focus of an earthquake Seismic Waves
#2 Fast-moving waves that occur beneath the surface of the earth Body Waves
#3 Slow, destructive waves that occur on the earth's surface Surface Waves
#4 The beginning point of an earthquake Focus
#5 The strength of the seismic waves Magnitude
Final Question

Label the following diagram: