
TCS_Science (7) Chap 2 Answer Key

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#1 Cell Theory all living things are made of cells, and cells come from preexisting cells
#2 The movement of molecules through a membrane because of a concentration gradient diffusion
#3 Found in both Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells cell membrane
#4 The small structures in the cell that assemble proteins ribosomes
#5 Some substances can pass through but not others semipermeable or selectively permeable
#1 Water leaves the cell membrane and enters the salt solution, the cell shrivels osmosis
#2 Evolutionists believe which cells came first: Prokaryotic or Eukaryotic Prokaryotic
#3 What are the "waste products" of Photosynthesis glucose (sugar) and oxygen
#4 What is the breaking down of molecules to produce ATP cellular respiration
#5 Energy in the cell is only useable when it is taken from _________ and stored in _________ taken from glucose and stored in the ATP
#1 Cells produce ATP, even without access to oxygen, through this process fermentation
#2 The "waste products" of of yeast breaking down sugar in bread dough to produce ATP alcohol and carbon dioxide
#3 Osmosis and diffusion are what type of transport (they happen without the cell doing any work) passive transport
#4 Which Worldview believes that Eukaryotic cells came first and Prokaryotic cells came several days later Creationists
#5 The green pigment that absorbs energy from the sun for photosynthesis Chlorophyll
#1 Though only plants go through photosynthesis, cellular respiration happens in ________ plant and animal cells
#2 The structure that surrounds all cells and regulates what comes in and goes out cell membrane
#3 The slimy layer surrounds and protects some bacteria from harm capsule
#4 This is a whip-like propeller for the cell flagellum
#5 This structure contains important information for making proteins and regulates cellular proccesses DNA
#1 DNA is organized into one or more of these things chromosomes
#2 This provides additional rigid protection around bacteria, algae, fungi, and plant cells cell wall
#3 This refers to the inside of a cell, including the organelles and their jellylike surrounding cytoplasm
#4 Cells with a nucleus / Cells without a nucleus Eukaryotic cells / Prokaryotic cells
#5 A group of cells work together to form ________ and those work together to form ____________ tissues / organs
Final Question
What happens if a cell needs to take a large molecule that is too large for passive and active transportation? The cell membrane forms a pocket around the molecule and engulfs it, entrapping the molecule inside a vesicle completely within the cell