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Solar System Jeopardy
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 1 times
The best time ever was Michael C at 95 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

False- The universe continues to expand.
Tubes filled with water
Light, heat and gravity
Black Hole
An object that orbits another object.
The Chinese
Hydrogen and Helium
False- It occurred around 14 billion years ago.
The International Space Station
False- it is a theory, which means it has not been proven.
The Big Bang occurred around 5,000 years ago.
This satellite serves as a laboratory for astronauts to conduct experiments and gather information.
Usually the brightest, non-star object in our sky, it has violent storms.
What are three things the sun gives us?
An unmanned, unpiloted spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of outer space or other celestial bodies is a __________.
Everything in the universe expanded away from each other after the Big Bang, but now the universe remains the same size and shape.
I have a tail as I approach the sun.
Violent hurricanes, this is the last of the outer planets
People call me a shooting star, because I leave a streak of light as I burn up in Earth's atmosphere.
The largest planet, its Great Red Spot is a persistent storm
What does an astronaut's suit have to help keep the astronaut cool?
I travel in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.
I am the least dense planet (in fact, I could float in water!) and I have rings.
Which was the first culture to create the rocket?
I have an elliptical orbit.
What do we call huge 'Star Cities' made up of billions of stars?
Everything that existed at the time of the Big Bang was squeezed into an extremely dense speck.
After the Big Bang, particles in space began to join together because of gravity, and swirl around forming stars and planets.
Known as the red planet because of its brightly colored soil.
What is the term for a star that explodes and dies?
What two gases make up stars?
I sometimes reach the earth without fully burning.
What is a satellite?
Once a star dies, it leaves behind an area called a __________, with gravity so great that not even light can escape it.
Scientists have proven that the Big Bang actually happened.

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What is your name?

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Here are all the answers:

Scientists have proven that the Big Bang actually happened. False- it is a theory, which means it has not been proven.
The Big Bang occurred around 5,000 years ago. False- It occurred around 14 billion years ago.
Everything that existed at the time of the Big Bang was squeezed into an extremely dense speck. True
After the Big Bang, particles in space began to join together because of gravity, and swirl around forming stars and planets. True
Everything in the universe expanded away from each other after the Big Bang, but now the universe remains the same size and shape. False- The universe continues to expand.
I have a tail as I approach the sun. Comet
I travel in a belt between Mars and Jupiter. Asteroid
People call me a shooting star, because I leave a streak of light as I burn up in Earth's atmosphere. Meteor
I sometimes reach the earth without fully burning. Meteor(ite)
I have an elliptical orbit.Comet
What are three things the sun gives us?Light, heat and gravity
What do we call huge 'Star Cities' made up of billions of stars?Galaxies
What is the term for a star that explodes and dies?Supernova
Once a star dies, it leaves behind an area called a __________, with gravity so great that not even light can escape it.Black Hole
What two gases make up stars?Hydrogen and Helium
I am the least dense planet (in fact, I could float in water!) and I have rings. Saturn
Usually the brightest, non-star object in our sky, it has violent storms.Venus
Known as the red planet because of its brightly colored soil. Mars
Violent hurricanes, this is the last of the outer planetsNeptune
The largest planet, its Great Red Spot is a persistent storm Jupiter
Which was the first culture to create the rocket?The Chinese
What is a satellite?An object that orbits another object.
This satellite serves as a laboratory for astronauts to conduct experiments and gather information. The International Space Station
An unmanned, unpiloted spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of outer space or other celestial bodies is a __________.Probe
What does an astronaut's suit have to help keep the astronaut cool? Tubes filled with water