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Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

The Lion King



The Daily Bugle

Football (soccer)

A marmalade sandwich
Nile and the amazon
table tennis
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern
black and white
Red, blue, black, yellow and green
How many lungs does the human body have?

What is the most popular sport throughout the world?

What colour is Liverpool Football Club’s home kit?
How many dwarfs did Snow White have?
What are the two longest rivers in the world?
Which movie features two characters called Simba and Mufasa?
What is the capital of Australia?
What does Paddington Bear keep underneath his hat in case of emergency?
What type of sport is played on horseback?
Which continent is Mount Kilimanjaro located on?
Which sport uses the lightest ball: a) Football, b) Baseball, c) Table tennis?
Which country is Paris the capital of?
What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?
How many ugly sisters does Cinderella have?
Which country does parmesan cheese come from?

Is hot air lighter or heavier than cold air?

The solid state of water is known as what?

What is the largest island in the Mediterranean sea?

What are the colours of the five Olympic rings?
Bees are found on every continent of earth except for one, which is it?
What are the names of the five oceans?
What is the name of the 2nd biggest planet in our solar system?
Which of the following sports does not involve a ball: tennis, squash, or badminton?
Which flag is waved in motor racing to show the winner?
What is the name of the newspaper where Peter Parker works in Spiderman?

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Here are all the answers:

Which flag is waved in motor racing to show the winner?black and white
Which of the following sports does not involve a ball: tennis, squash, or badminton?badminton
Which sport uses the lightest ball: a) Football, b) Baseball, c) Table tennis?table tennis
What type of sport is played on horseback?Polo
What colour is Liverpool Football Club’s home kit?red
Which country is Paris the capital of?France
What are the names of the five oceans?Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern
Which continent is Mount Kilimanjaro located on?Africa
What are the two longest rivers in the world?Nile and the amazon
What is the capital of Australia?Canbera
How many lungs does the human body have?two
Bees are found on every continent of earth except for one, which is it?Antarctica
What is the name of the 2nd biggest planet in our solar system?Saturn
What is the hottest planet in the Solar System?Venus
The solid state of water is known as what?ice
What is the name of the newspaper where Peter Parker works in Spiderman?The Daily Bugle
Which movie features two characters called Simba and Mufasa?The Lion King
How many dwarfs did Snow White have?seven
What does Paddington Bear keep underneath his hat in case of emergency?A marmalade sandwich
How many ugly sisters does Cinderella have?two
Which country does parmesan cheese come from?Italy
What are the colours of the five Olympic rings?Red, blue, black, yellow and green

What is the largest island in the Mediterranean sea?


What is the most popular sport throughout the world?

Football (soccer)

Is hot air lighter or heavier than cold air?
