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Africa Unit
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
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laws put into place to segregate the black population from the white population
Hutu and Tutsi
Passive Resistance
Invisible Children
Disappearing forests.
Paul Rusesabagina
One country taking over another country.
Expanding deserts.
Maize, coffee, cocoa, cotton, sesame
Idi Amin
Boers or Afrikaners
W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey
Mau Mau
Great Britian, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy or France
Cecil Rhodes
Kwame Nkrumah
Nelson Mandela
Dividing Africa into European colonies.
What method did Jomo Kenyatta use to secure independence from the British?
Name three cash crops in Africa.
What is the movement to unite Africans around the world?
What group of people are being persecuted by the Uganda military coup?
What is desertification?
Who was the first black president in South Africa?
What resulted from the Berlin Conference?
Who is the main character of the movie 'Hotel Rwanda?'
Define apatheid?
Water based diseases increases when _________s are constructed.
Aridity is the opposite of ______________.
What year did apartheid end?
The gold coast was renamed ______________.
Who were the guerilla fighters in Kenya?
Who was the former hated president of Uganda?
Name the documentary about children soldiers.
What are the two ethnic groups involved in the Rwandan genocide?
What is deforestation?
Who was the leader of the Independence movement in Ghana?
Who was the founder of the Debeers diamond company?
One country that had colonies in Africa.
Name the two leaders of the Pan-African movement?
Ethnic tension is also known as?
Who were the dutch settlers of South Africa?
What is imperialism?

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Here are all the answers:

One country that had colonies in Africa.Great Britian, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy or France
What is imperialism?One country taking over another country.
What resulted from the Berlin Conference?Dividing Africa into European colonies.
Who was the founder of the Debeers diamond company?Cecil Rhodes
Who were the dutch settlers of South Africa?Boers or Afrikaners
Ethnic tension is also known as?Tribalism
What is the movement to unite Africans around the world?Pan-Africanism
Define apatheid?laws put into place to segregate the black population from the white population
Who were the guerilla fighters in Kenya?Mau Mau
Name the two leaders of the Pan-African movement?W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey
Who was the first black president in South Africa?Nelson Mandela
The gold coast was renamed ______________.Ghana
What method did Jomo Kenyatta use to secure independence from the British?Passive Resistance
Who was the leader of the Independence movement in Ghana?Kwame Nkrumah
What year did apartheid end?1994
Who is the main character of the movie 'Hotel Rwanda?'Paul Rusesabagina
What are the two ethnic groups involved in the Rwandan genocide?Hutu and Tutsi
Name the documentary about children soldiers.Invisible Children
Who was the former hated president of Uganda?Idi Amin
What group of people are being persecuted by the Uganda military coup?Acholi
Aridity is the opposite of ______________.Humidity
What is desertification?Expanding deserts.
What is deforestation?Disappearing forests.
Name three cash crops in Africa.Maize, coffee, cocoa, cotton, sesame
Water based diseases increases when _________s are constructed.Dams