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Other rodents
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 24 times
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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

Praire vole; Microtus ochrogaster
True, they can carry leptospirosis, hantavirus, Q fever, Hymenolepis spp.
Squamous cell carcinoma
<4%; diets higher than this in fat can lead to high blood cholesterol
Clostridium piliforme, Tyzzers disease
increased harderian gland secretion of porphyrins which act as a skin irritant. Underlying environmental causes may include humidity >50% or overcrowding
White footed deer mouse; Peromyscus leucopus
highly specialized dentition for gnawing
toothless interval between first incisor and cheek teeth
Incomplete circle of willis
True, due to dihydrostreptomycin and can produce 80-100% mortality
Sciurognathi and hystricognathi
False, produce small amount of urine and require less freqent changes.
Cotton Rats
24-26 days in nonlactating; 27 days in lactating females
Multimammate rat; Mastomys natalensis
Black-tailed prairie dog
Chinchilla laniger
Fur slip;predator aviodance mechanism in chinchillas
Octodon degus
Prairie voles
ventral abdominal marking gland. Androgen dependent gland that attains a larger size in males
Common cause of upper respiratory clinical signs in a black tail prairie dog.
I am used to investigate circadean rhythm behavior
Name one characteristic all rodents share.
Neoplasia which affects the ventral marking gland in gerbils.
What anatomical feature allows this animal to be a good stroke model?
T/F Peromyscus sp. are susceptable to a variety of zoonotic agents and precautions should be taken prior to placing in animal facility.
Gestation period in the gerbil?
Name the two rodent suborders
Gerbils are known to be particularly susceptable to what bacterial GI pathogen.
T/F Gerbils require more frequent cage changes compared to other rodents.
Dietary fat content should be below this level in gerbils.
Cause of sore nose in gerbils.
I am a model for biliary physiology and gallstone formation.
I am a common epilepsy model
I am monogamous and used to study pair bonding.
Define diastema
T/F Administering pencillin-dihydrostreptomycin procaine combination to gerbils results in acute toxicity and mortality
I am a model of viral respiratory tract disease caused by paramyxoviruses.

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Here are all the answers:

Chinchilla laniger
Octodon degus
Multimammate rat; Mastomys natalensis
Praire vole; Microtus ochrogaster
White footed deer mouse; Peromyscus leucopus
I am a common epilepsy modelGerbil
I am a model for biliary physiology and gallstone formation. Black-tailed prairie dog
I am monogamous and used to study pair bonding. Prairie voles
I am a model of viral respiratory tract disease caused by paramyxoviruses.Cotton Rats
I am used to investigate circadean rhythm behaviordegu
ventral abdominal marking gland. Androgen dependent gland that attains a larger size in males
Gestation period in the gerbil?24-26 days in nonlactating; 27 days in lactating females
What anatomical feature allows this animal to be a good stroke model?Incomplete circle of willis
Dietary fat content should be below this level in gerbils.<4%; diets higher than this in fat can lead to high blood cholesterol
T/F Gerbils require more frequent cage changes compared to other rodents.False, produce small amount of urine and require less freqent changes.
Cause of sore nose in gerbils.increased harderian gland secretion of porphyrins which act as a skin irritant. Underlying environmental causes may include humidity >50% or overcrowding
Gerbils are known to be particularly susceptable to what bacterial GI pathogen.Clostridium piliforme, Tyzzers disease
Neoplasia which affects the ventral marking gland in gerbils.Squamous cell carcinoma
Fur slip;predator aviodance mechanism in chinchillas
Common cause of upper respiratory clinical signs in a black tail prairie dog.Odontoma
Define diastematoothless interval between first incisor and cheek teeth
T/F Administering pencillin-dihydrostreptomycin procaine combination to gerbils results in acute toxicity and mortalityTrue, due to dihydrostreptomycin and can produce 80-100% mortality
T/F Peromyscus sp. are susceptable to a variety of zoonotic agents and precautions should be taken prior to placing in animal facility.True, they can carry leptospirosis, hantavirus, Q fever, Hymenolepis spp.
Name the two rodent subordersSciurognathi and hystricognathi
Name one characteristic all rodents share.highly specialized dentition for gnawing