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Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
Speed Match Review Game

This game has been played 38 times
The best time ever was Adelenn T. at 25 seconds.
The best time today is at seconds.
How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

I love your new shoes!
I like broccoli and spinach.
Today is a beautiful day, and I will play outside.
I have a poodle.
We will read a new book.
Because it is wet outside, I can't play.
I have two brothers and one sister.
The little boy ate cake for his birthday, but didn't eat ice cream.
It is raining, but is not thundering.
Lunch is at 11:25, and I am hungry.
We have a test today, and I will make an A.
Since I have a new game, I will not go outside.
After I go outside, I see a snake!
A. I see a snake! B. After I go outside, I see a snake!
Find the compound sentence. A. The little boy ate cake for his birthday, but didn't eat ice cream. B. The little boy ate cake, since it was his birthday.
Which sentence is the simple sentence? A. I love your new shoes! B. The cat ran very fast, but couldn't catch the mouse.
Find the compound sentence. A. Lunch is at 11:25, although we will eat late. B. Lunch is at 11:25, and I am hungry.
Find the compound sentence. A, We have a test today, and I will make an A. B. We have a test today, since today isThursday.
Pick out the simple sentence. A. I have two brothers and one sister. B. The jet took off fast, since they were late.
Find the simple sentence. A. We will read a new book today. B. We will read a new book, and write a summary of the story.
Find the compound sentence. A. It is raining, but is not thundering. B. It is raining, because the weather man said it would.
Find the simple sentence. A. The dog ran fast, but couldn't catch the cat. B. I have a poodle.
A. I like broccoli and spinach, but I don't like corn. b. I like broccoli and spinach.
A. Since I have a new game, I will not go outside. B. I have a new game!
A. Because it is wet outside, I can't play. B. I will play outside all day, but I might get wet.
Find the compound sentence. A. Today is a beautiful day, and I can play outside. B. Since today is a beautiful day, I will play outside.

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Play This Game Again!

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You got every match correct!

Here are all the answers:

Which sentence is the simple sentence? A. I love your new shoes! B. The cat ran very fast, but couldn't catch the mouse.I love your new shoes!
Pick out the simple sentence. A. I have two brothers and one sister. B. The jet took off fast, since they were late. I have two brothers and one sister.
Find the simple sentence. A. The dog ran fast, but couldn't catch the cat. B. I have a poodle.I have a poodle.
Find the simple sentence. A. We will read a new book today. B. We will read a new book, and write a summary of the story.We will read a new book.
A. I like broccoli and spinach, but I don't like corn. b. I like broccoli and spinach.I like broccoli and spinach.
Find the compound sentence. A. The little boy ate cake for his birthday, but didn't eat ice cream. B. The little boy ate cake, since it was his birthday.The little boy ate cake for his birthday, but didn't eat ice cream.
Find the compound sentence. A. It is raining, but is not thundering. B. It is raining, because the weather man said it would.It is raining, but is not thundering.
Find the compound sentence. A. Lunch is at 11:25, although we will eat late. B. Lunch is at 11:25, and I am hungry.Lunch is at 11:25, and I am hungry.
Find the compound sentence. A, We have a test today, and I will make an A. B. We have a test today, since today isThursday.We have a test today, and I will make an A.
Find the compound sentence. A. Today is a beautiful day, and I can play outside. B. Since today is a beautiful day, I will play outside.Today is a beautiful day, and I will play outside.
A. Since I have a new game, I will not go outside. B. I have a new game!Since I have a new game, I will not go outside.
A. Because it is wet outside, I can't play. B. I will play outside all day, but I might get wet.Because it is wet outside, I can't play.
A. I see a snake! B. After I go outside, I see a snake!After I go outside, I see a snake!