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Egypt Unit Review
Speed Match Review Game

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How To Play:
Drag the squares in the gray area and drop them in the matching squares in the blue area below.
If you drop a square in the correct spot, it will disappear.
If you make a mistake, the square will return to its original spot.
Good luck!

Let's Play Speed Match!

See Map

See Map

Senusret I

They did this because wanted to be sure their power was accepted, 



See Map 

They believed society worked best when people knew their social status.

Nile River


See map 


a tough water plant used to make paper and rope in ancient times


Negative = to hot to crop, not enough water

Positive= provided protection 


Governmental Officials 

It created rich silt that was great for farming

Libyan Desert, Arabian Desert, and the Nubian Desert.

Rames II


Social Pyramid 


She was the first female ruler, she increased trade, and she built a great temple 

Vizer, chief treasurer, general of armies

What was the benefit of the Nile River flooding in the spring?

a huge, triangular-shaped monument of ancient Egypt built around a tomb

the plant life of a place or region

What were the 3 types of governmental officals 

Who made up the majority of the social pyramid?

Why did pharaohs claim to be gods?

the surface features of a place or region, such as mountains or deserts

What is a negative to living near the desert? What is a positive? (2 answers)

What was the main type of vegetation we learned about that was on the Nile River

Lable the Mediterrean Sea

Describe the embalmbing process that the priests conducted. 

Which of the four pharaohs we studied was the strongest military leader?

What was the Nile River surrounded by?

The pharaoh that created the White Chapel 

a drawing of a pyramid shape with levels showing how social classes are positioned above and below one another regarding power and rights in society

What body of water did Egyptians settle near?

Label the Nile River

Give three things that Hatshepsut accomplished.

Who was the considered the next highest rank after the pharaoh?

Why did ancient Egyptians believe having social classes was a good idea?

Define papyrus 

Label the at least one of these deserts,Libyan Desert, Arabian Desert, and the Nubian Desert.

What pharaoh created the Great Pyramid of Giza 

Label the Nile River and the direction it goes in

Label the Red Sea 

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Here are all the answers:


the plant life of a place or region


a huge, triangular-shaped monument of ancient Egypt built around a tomb


the surface features of a place or region, such as mountains or deserts


a drawing of a pyramid shape with levels showing how social classes are positioned above and below one another regarding power and rights in society

Social Pyramid 

Define papyrus 

a tough water plant used to make paper and rope in ancient times

The pharaoh that created the White Chapel 

Senusret I

Which of the four pharaohs we studied was the strongest military leader?

Rames II

Why did pharaohs claim to be gods?

They did this because wanted to be sure their power was accepted, 

What pharaoh created the Great Pyramid of Giza 


Give three things that Hatshepsut accomplished.

She was the first female ruler, she increased trade, and she built a great temple 

What body of water did Egyptians settle near?

Nile River

What was the benefit of the Nile River flooding in the spring?

It created rich silt that was great for farming

What was the main type of vegetation we learned about that was on the Nile River


What is a negative to living near the desert? What is a positive? (2 answers)

Negative = to hot to crop, not enough water

Positive= provided protection 


What was the Nile River surrounded by?

Libyan Desert, Arabian Desert, and the Nubian Desert.

Who was the considered the next highest rank after the pharaoh?

Governmental Officials 

Why did ancient Egyptians believe having social classes was a good idea?

They believed society worked best when people knew their social status.

Who made up the majority of the social pyramid?


What were the 3 types of governmental officals 

Vizer, chief treasurer, general of armies

Describe the embalmbing process that the priests conducted. 

  • 1. Remove body’s organs. Used hook to pull the brain from the nose. Only heart was left
  • 2. Organs were then packed in jars to preserve them.
  • 3. After 70 days the embalmers washed and oiled the body and wrapped it in linen and decorated it with jewelry and charms. Sometimes they put a mask on it.
  • 4. They then put a gooey black gum on the body and wrapped it again.
  • After all these steps the mummies were ready for burial. It was placed in a large wooden box and put in a stone coffin called a sarcophagus.

Label the Nile River

See map 

Lable the Mediterrean Sea

See Map 

Label the Red Sea 

See Map

Label the at least one of these deserts,Libyan Desert, Arabian Desert, and the Nubian Desert.


Label the Nile River and the direction it goes in

See Map